Recordings By Jon Burr's bands, including Trio, Quartet and Quintet
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Jon Burr
“Jazz is my first love. My life in jazz influences everything I do. I’ve been taught and influenced by the leaders I worked for, the players I’ve worked with, and the people I’ve hired. Musicians are special people.
I’ve come to love all kinds of music, and gotten involved with other aspects of it besides playing the bass.
Most of my playing these days consists of remote recording projects in conjunction with my arranging and production work at, playing a few gigs (temporarily on hiatus!), and building websites (including this one). I’m especially attracted to orchestral and other large ensemble writing.
This site is mainly about my career as a performer and composer, with a blog about anything that strikes me as interesting, including food, spirituality, exercise, playing music, and anything else that comes to mind.
Thank you for visiting!”
-Jon Burr

Check out Jon's compositions, Songs and Scores for ensembles of various sizes from Trio to Symphony Orchestra

Books and Articles
Check out Jon's Books and Articles - The Improvising Chef, Letting Go, The Untold Secret to Melodic Bass, and Blog posts on, The Finale Blog and others

Bass tracks via Remote Recording
We're recording bass tracks here in our home studio, sending a high-quality real-time audio stream right into your DAW. Contact us to book it!

Jon Burr Videos - Various Ensembles, Original Music

Jon Burr’s Blog
Posts on random subjects Jon finds interesting...